We are very proud to have been selected to join thep restigious Microsoft BizSpark Program. Stewarded by the Emerging Business Team (EBT) at Microsoft Corp., the program is designed to connect high-potential startups committed to the Microsoft platform to an extensive support network that provides access to Microsoft people and programs, guidance on future directions, and support to [...]
Titanium Development
We have Titanium certified developers to ensure your apps performs exceptionally on all platforms. Our developers have complete knowledge of appcelerator products like appcelerator cloud services, analytics, enterprise modules etc. Please vist our DevLink on appcelerator. What’s in the Appcelerator Titanium Platform? Titanium Mobile Overview Appcelerator Titanium is a free and open source application development [...]
Responsive Design
Responsive Design is not the future of web design it is the present, and we at Isintu embrace it. We do standards complaint and cross browser compatiable responsive design. Why We Need Responsive Web Design? iPhone was released in 2007 by Apple. Finger based touch was the primary interface of this device, because of which users [...]